

KZFR Interview with Pat Macias

Listen to monca’s Executive Director, Pat Macias, talk about the latest happenings at the museum.

KZFR monca Interview, 06/21/22


KKXX Monthly Radio Broadcasts

Listen to monca’s Executive Director, Pat Macias, talk about the latest happenings at the museum the first Wednesday of every month on the Chico NOW Show, KKXX Life Radio, on AM 930, FM 104.5. The interviews are hosted by Vince Haynie, air every first Wednesday at 12:30 – 1pm and are replayed on their website:


Enterprise Record

monca celebrates five years on Esplanade by Kimberly Morales, June 21, 2022


Chico News & Review

Art speaks by Jason Cassidy, September 3, 2021

Intimate group exhibit share personal stories of the Hmong-American experience. A close-up of an eye is projected large onto one of the gallery’s white walls

What’s in a word? By Jason Cassidy, July 23, 2021

There is no word for “art” in the Hmong language. That’s according to the press release from the Museum of Northern California Art (MONCA) for its new group exhibition, No Word for Art: Contemporary Hmong-American Art in Northern California.