Your generous gift helps us to provide inspiring exhibitions and strengthen art education in communities throughout Northern California. All donations are tax deductible, secure, and produce a receipt for tax purposes.
Other Ways To Donate
Donate by Paypal
Donate by Paypal
Send your tax deductible donation securely through PayPal using the link below.
Donate by Mail
Donate by Mail
Make your check payable to the Museum of Northern California Art and mail to:
Museum of Northern California Art (monca)
900 Esplanade
Chico, CA 95926
Donate to support the auditorium renovation
Donate to support the auditorium renovation
If you are interested in donating to the capital campaign to renovate the auditorium and stage of the Veterans Memorial Hall
Donate Artwork
Donate Artwork
If you are interested in donating artwork by northern California artists to the collection, please contact us. All acquisitions of art must first be recommended by the Collections Committee to the Board of Directors.
Donating to the Roger Steel Museum Experience Program
Donating to the Roger Steel Museum Experience Program
If you are interested in donating to help fund the Roger Steel Museum Experience Program use the link below.

Corporate & Individual Support
Our Corporate Membership option is for companies and individuals that would like to show their support. Corporate and Individual contributions will help expand efforts to make monca accessible to all, regardless of economic status. In gratitude for your support, the museum is pleased to offer Corporate Sponsors and Individuals significant marketing and branding opportunities.
If you would ike to learn more about sponsorships please contact us.

Donation Ideas
Endowment Program
Tax deductible contributions
- If donors are in need of reduction in their taxes, they can directly contribute to the endowment by writing a check to Raymond James FBO MONCA
- Checks can be mailed or dropped off to Raymond James, 250 Vallombrosa Ave., Suite 450, Chico, CA 95926
Donating Required Minimum Distributions
- By donating an RMD, the donor will not realize the income associated with the distribution. This will help keep their current income level low, and potentially avoid being stepped into a higher tax bracket.
- The donor can typically request a check be made out directly to Raymond James FBO MONCA (a signed letter of Acceptance will likely be required by IRA custodian).
Donating Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
- The endowment is able to accept a donation of stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds.
- Benefit to donor is they have a low-cost basis in a taxable account, they can donate the holding without realizing the capital gain associated.
Donors are strongly advised to speak with their tax professional prior to making donations that could potentially result in tax ramifications if done incorrectly.
Please feel free to have anyone reach out to us directly with questions. If we can not answer the question, we will find the donor someone who can. Direct line for support is 530-809-2138 and email is [email protected]