Christine Rowe – Board Member

- Doctorate, cross-over degree in Administrative Leadership in Education with Public and Urban Development , USC, Ca. USA
- Masters and K-14 Teaching Credential in Foreign Language and English as Second Language, CSU-Chico, Ca. USA
- Undergraduate degrees in Linguistics (German, Spanish) and Intercultural Communications (Frei Unversitat, Berlin , East Germany; Universidad de Madrid, Spain and Goethe Institute, Passau, West Germany)
Professional Experience
- 2019 – Today: Retired, engaged with programs, organizations and issues of personal interest.
- 2004-2018– Federal program, evaluation and funding consultant.
- 2000-04– Resource development and evaluation consultant serving membership organizations, non-profits/NGOs, schools, small businesses and social-entrepreneurial clients, primarily in the western U.S., but involving clients on all seven continents.
- 1990-200– Educator and program administrator working through school districts with community decision-makers to co-create effective, innovative, sustainable solutions, among diverse populations addressing community needs and opportunities
- 1976-90– Entrepreneurial beginnings as co-owner of Lyon Moving and Storage Company and part-time IRS tax preparer.
Reason for joining the Board:
Coming from a family of 5 generations serving communities in Northern California, and as a native Chicoan – I see monca as a joyful celebration of our enduring regional heritage, in creativity and community through the arts. My intention is to apply my background to strengthen our underlying operational structures needed to sustain our Creatives as they offer their magic.